Sunday, February 7, 2016

Flake Fun

7 February 2016 - This week has been pretty normal.  We (Jenn's program) are being visited by the auditor general's office next week and I spent some time getting things ready and soothing the jitters of my boss. 

This week we worked on getting the shelves in at TJ's house so they can paint.  It is slow work but it is starting to come together.

The weather has been really cold and we enjoy getting a roaring fire going ever night.  Man, our life looks boring on paper!

Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Ya know, Jenn, I've decided that boring is good. Out of the ordinary, exciting things, are not always positive! Emma's illness has been anything but boring, but certainly not pleasant for her or any of us! When too much is going on, I can't even get on the blog to post what we're doing! Then, when I do get something written and don't get it posted right then, I can't find it again! Somewhere in oblivion is a post that didn't make it to the right page... Besides, your life looks quite idyllic to me :)
