Sunday, February 25, 2024

Nilsson News

 What happened to the month of February?!  It's only a couple days shorter than the other months and yet it seems to fly by much faster.

We enjoyed most recently a quick trip down to sunny St. George.  It's been a pretty warm winter but there is still a vast difference between 40 degrees and 65.  It was lovely!  Dane just couldn't get enough of the outside time and he didn't even need to wear a jacket.  We hiked, went swimming, and attended the Red Cliffs temple open house.  It was fun to see the Harts especially since we don't get the chance very often ;)  The trip gave us the hope for spring in the near future.

We celebrated Henry's ninth birthday this past week and Millie will be having her seventh birthday on Tuesday.  We've been battling some flu bugs which hasn't been fun.  I forget how long it lasts when everyone in the family passes it around!  Hopefully it won't last too much longer!  That's about it for this week!

Addy's choir dinner show performance.

Dane loves playing in flour!

A "Hart" attack when we weren't feeling so great.

Howling along with the coyotes.

Before the haircut...


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