Sunday, February 11, 2024

Hyde Happinesses

Hey all! It was so fun to see some of you this week! We enjoyed playing with Jenn and her kiddos and going up to Idaho to see Addys choir concert. So fun when we get to hang out with yall! I’m so glad we all get along… it is so strange to me that some people (many people) don’t speak to their own siblings or visit or check in. So so sad. So I’m grateful for you :) 

Not too much happened this week besides the lovely visits we enjoyed! The weather was nice for a couple days so we enjoyed going on walks. I made sourdough bread a few days this week which was very fun and delicious. Elise got me a sourdough recipe book that I cannot wait to try! 

Jenn brought some super delicious oranges and Stetson was in heaven!

He has recently discovered that airplanes make noise and he’s fascinated 

Blueberries for the win 

Parmesan, Asiago, hot honey sourdough. SO GOOD

The big boys with the little boy

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