Saturday, February 24, 2024

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello there!! This week. Well. I honestly forget what happened. But today was GREAT. Idk why. It was just a really good day hanging out with my boy. He’s a sweetie. Stetson just keeps getting more fun everyday. He says “up” “hep” (help), “hot” (he says this for everything… still trying to figure out what it means), and his newest and probably most used word is “Alllla” for Alexa, emphasis on the L πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ he loves playing with our Alexa. Im really not sure how he gets her to do what she does πŸ˜… He and Oakley have a sort of formal agreement that she tolerates him and he annoys her to death. He did learn how to shake her paw and give her a high five which brings him the most joy I’ve ever seen and she gets a treat out of it so they both win. We bought a little laser for her and he giggles and gurgles watching her run around to chase it. 

Cam and I were able to go to an Aggie basketball game this week which was soooo fun. Mom and dad were champs as always and volunteered to “watch” Stetson who slept soundly the entire time. Man our parents are the very best!! Anyway it was really nice to get out and cheer and chant and watch the aggies win. It was a really good game! Both teams played really well and it was fun to watch. Aggies are a notoriously mean student body 😬 

I’ve been enjoying making sourdough breads lately and it’s been awesome. I made some delicious cranberry harvest rolls and wowza, I will be making them again! 

He’s liked stealing my hats lately and trying them on πŸ˜‚

We got some epic snow at the beginning of the week! I loved it and Stetson was fascinated! 

That shelf is cleaned out for a reason πŸ˜…

Oh the joys of whipped cream cans 

Bubbles = happiness 

We finally got him some boots and he realized he can stomp around without getting cold! He LOVES it and screams whenever I take him inside again πŸ˜‚ 

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