Sunday, February 18, 2024

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello! The big news of this week is that Stetson got a haircut! Very sad. But he does look so much better! He was looking woefully shaggy at church today so we decided to come home and give him a little trim. I think he’ll be happy to have it out of his ears anyway!

One of my good friends, Cambria, came to visit on Saturday which was a blast. She works in the Utah county sheriffs office as an evidence custodian. She graduated in forensic science and she goes to crime scenes and everything! She is hardcore. It was good to chat with her and catch up. She’d never meet Stetson so that was also very fun! 

Emma Zook also came and saw me this week. It was so good to have some visitors!

We also had a good Valentine’s Day. Cam cut out and put paper hearts all over the walls while I was asleep which was very sweet :) he also got me roses and theater popcorn. I got him chocolate ;) it was perfect! We had our traditional homemade pizza that night which was also very yummy. 

Sure love you all! Have a great week!

Spaghetti hair don’t care

It’s the crossed legs for me




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