Sunday, January 23, 2022

Smithfield Scoop

So we have been absentee for a little bit.  To recap, we had a nice Christmas season and attended several musical performances and several plays in the valley.  It was quite nice to get out to social events and see folks we knew.  We attended "A Christmas Carol" at Sky View with Emma and Cam.  It was also nice to visit with family members at different times during the season.  We were glad to get into some bookstores and get some books for the grandkids.  That makes us happy.

We enjoyed the visit with the Mannings on the eve of Christmas Eve.  They had a nice passover dinner which we enjoyed with them.  Then we stayed overnight and they joined us at our sparsely populated hotel at Thanksgiving Point and went swimming in the pool the next morning. 

But back at the ranch we spent Christmas day by ourselves, which is a first time event in our lives.  Not highly recommended, but we had a pleasant day notwithstanding.  Absolutely no rush about anything and we got a reasonably good night sleep prior to Christmas.  Not only that, we didn't even pay attention to the new year a week later.  We just forgot all about it.

It may have to do with the fact that Mom was very busy with lots of moms and babies during the holidays and the first part of January..  There was a lot of covid sickness that made that job very much more difficult.  She gets texts at all hours of the day and night.  Mom learned a lot of things she didn't know before and was glad to see some doctors and nurses who were quite helpful when their services were needed.  There were more transfers to hospitals than ever.

We made several trips over the mountain to Star Valley Wyoming and Montpelier Idaho.  We were very glad for our new used all wheel CR-V which helped with snowy mountain roads.  And we are grateful for the snow!

We recently delighted in the visit to our house by the Mannings and can attest to the "crab craze" of those little boys! So fun! We are very impressed with the courage of the Manning mama to buy, inspect and cook that crab! 

Mom recently was offered a room in a brand new chiropractic clinic to have appointments in. It has been somewhat stressful to do appointments at our home, so it will be nice to have another spot for that. Many of the moms live on the south and west part of the valley, which will make it more convenient for them, as well.

Dad has been spending his time chauffeuring his wife around three different states to appointments. He has also been flying on nicer days, which has been a joyful thing for him. He is also learning much from his instructor. He goes to the Brigham City airport since it is less busy. Funny that he has been flying in an airplane that is older than the one he learned in 45 years ago! Hopefully one day soon he will be able to take some passengers around the valley.

Lately, we have had a flock of turkeys hanging out in the trees in our backyard. Did you know that great big turkeys roost in trees?! I don't know why that surprises me, but it does. They forage for a while and then fly off to lower areas - which is an amazing experience to hear. 

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