Sunday, January 2, 2022

Nilsson News

 The word around here is COLD!  We are having a crazy cold spell that is giving us wind chills that are -20!  It's looking like it will warm up again in the next day or two and we'll be happy to be in the 20's again.  We have also had a ton of snow.  Usually we will get a snow storm one day and then it's done but this storm lasted for three days straight.  Shovel, take a break.  Shovel, take a break.  Shovel, shovel, shovel!  Garrett has thankfully been able to get our tractor started to keep the barnyard scraped.  Addy and Emerson have helped to keep the driveway scraped and it has been quite the family effort.  Once the snow stopped snowing, the wind picked up and created some pretty massive drifts.  It's always exciting here in Idaho!

Christmas was lovely.  We spent Christmas Eve eve, at the Hart's.  We enjoyed a delicious dinner of pitas and citrus salad.  Not quite a passover dinner but a close attempt.  We played games and watched a reenactment of the nativity complete with the a stuffed Olaf as the baby Jesus.  I guess in a household of all boys, baby dolls are rather scarce!  Christmas was enjoyed at home and we tried to make it last as long as possible.  Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are looking forward to another great year!

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