Sunday, January 2, 2022

Flake Fun


This is a blueberry pie that the twins made. 

These were Scott's boots when he was a baby. James wore them twice and now they are in the basement for historical preservation! 

Happy New Year

Well, the holidays are over and a new year has arrived.  I am looking forward to 2022 and hope that it will be better than 2021 with lots of visits to Utah.  

We spent a nice Christmas in Snowflake. Scott's siblings came on Friday and left on Saturday afternoon.  It was good to visit and catch up.  The kids made  gingerbread houses and a candy bar train with Grandma Flake which they enjoyed.  

We did some sparklers and a couple of fireworks on Friday night and went to bed early.  I heard fireworks going off until about midnight and then it was finally quiet.

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