Sunday, November 8, 2020

Smithfield Scoop

 Well, we reached some record highs this last couple of weeks.... We had the highest number of trick-or-treaters ever in our married life this year! I had to run to the store twice before we could relax about having enough treats for all the little goblins who came. And - we had the highest temperature for the particular day of the year, 76 degrees! Imagine that, for the first week of November! I don't ever remember not having very cold temperatures for Jenn's birthday. Oh, and Happy Birthday to Jenn!

We had a delightful time on our spontaneous trip to Star Valley! It was beautiful weather and we enjoyed seeing beaver dams, lovely farmland, staying in a wonderful log cabin retreat, eating at Tootsie's pizza joint and seeing a world famous geyser - the only natural hot springs geyser that is capped. It has a timer that allows it to erupt every hour on the hour. Fun spots not far from home.

This week we are learning how to deal with Covid exposure. Emma's roommates went to a Halloween party and everyone there got sick. All of the roommates who went to the party have symptoms, and all of them were tested, but only one of the roommates had a positive test. It happens that the Covid positive roommate is in Emma's room. So, Emma is now living at home. She and Dad went to get an antibody test, but the hospital ran out of tests before their appointment, so we don't know if they have had the virus before. Hopefully, they can be tested this week.

Dad and I enjoyed going to Sandy to celebrate Grace's birthday this week. What a beautiful 11-year-old! She made her own birthday cake - an apple pie cake! The report is that it was absolutely delicious. It was great to visit for a while and I loved going for a walk with Hopie, who chattered the whole way around the block while pedaling her bike! It was delightful!

We also snuck in a last hike up the canyon yesterday, knowing the snow was on its way. We wanted to find our friends, the Texas longhorns. We'd heard that they were very mild and friendly, but we still stayed on the road rather than venturing over to their pasture to pet them!

We are having fun with Emma's wedding plans. The temple and luncheon venue are reserved and hope that announcements will be ordered and delivered soon, a wedding dress will be found and fitted, and all of the little details will come together soon.

This is an interesting time and we are trying to reflect on our abundant blessings rather than on our fears and concerns. The Lord is in charge and certainly knows what He is doing. Our job is to fear not, hold on, and watch to see His hand revealed. And count our blessings!

We love you all and hope you are well and happy.

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