Sunday, November 1, 2020

Flake Fiascos

 Well we started this week with a small snowstorm.  It snowed off and on all day which was fun.  Scott filled up a big bowl with snow so that Robin and Rand could play in the snow without being outside. (They have had slight colds). 

Scott took a couple of days off which was fun. We stayed home and just enjoyed being together. 

We had a ward trunk or treat on Thursday and the kids rode around in their covered wagon with wide eyes.  

The birds discovered the bird feeder that Elise and Ruth bought us and the twins have loved watching the birds come and eat. They also are enjoying the peas that are coming up in the greenhouse.

James is growing like a weed and put on about 14 oz last week!!

That's all that we have to report. Hope that you all have a great week!

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