Sunday, November 29, 2020

Manning Moments

 Not much to write today but I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving! We were a little untraditional. Our turkey wasn't thawed yet so we went Christmas tree hunting on Thanksgiving. We went past Heber and it was beautiful and the snow was deep and the kids had a blast. We found a lovely little tree and spent the rest of the weekend decorating and cleaning up. We had a small feast on Friday and it was delicious! 

Other than that, we are having a great time at home reading books and trying to think of fun things to do. The boys are so good to play with each other and to come up with things to do. The new thing is tap dancing. I showed them the clip from Singing in the Rain where they sing "Moses Supposes his toes' are roses." They have watched it dozens of times and have memorized every little detail and they sing and dance all day. Nick put some pennies on their shoes so they could get the real experience of tap dancing and it has been a thrill for them! If you come by anytime you will likely get a performance!

Love you all and hope we get to see you soon. There seems to be lots of interruptions in that regard!

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