Sunday, November 15, 2020

Flake Fiascos

 Oh, what has happened in the last couple of weeks...

I had a blast "attending" Emma's bridal shower.  I know that she was bummed that it had to be held over Zoom but I was thankful to be a part of it.  

The kids all have colds but, for the most part they are pretty happy despite their drippy noses. 

Robin and Rand have discovered a new favorite activity; overseeing the green house! They love to water, weed and "dig about" the plants.  One cucumber has survived and most of the peas.  We think that the basil plant might make a comeback due to their loving care!!

James is growing like a weed and weighs over 11 pounds now! He is a great baby and quite resilient considering the loving affection of his siblings!!

Hope that you all have a great week!!

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