So fun to wake up to a skiff of snow on the ground and a 30 degree temperature drop! That kind of bracing cold sure perks me up! I've loved reading back over the past few weeks worth of posts. Sounds like things are going well with everyone and the entertainment value inherent in your accounts is priceless. Congrats to Emma and Cam. I know a couple of teenagers up here that are particularly excited about the upcoming nuptials. Nuptials? Where did that word come from? It's weird. It doesn't even relate to any other word I know associated with weddings. Hmmmm. I will look into it.
Speaking of words, we have been doing a lot of reading at the Hart house lately and have compiled a list of our favorite read-alouds of 2020. Here it is:
The Cat Baby
This Bridge Will not be Gray
Little Britches
Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs
Gather Up, Gather In
If I Built a House
If I Built a Car
When Dinosaurs came with Everything
The Blizzard (Betty Ren Wright)
A Kiss for Little Bear
It was so fun to spend some time down in Arizona with Jenn and her family. Ruth already related our pathetic attempts at navigating which is now pretty funny, but not so much at the time. I think Dad was pretty exasperated with us and confused about how we could bungle things so horribly. Me too! Our ineptitude was astonishing! But there is no one else on earth I would rather be lost with than Ruth. She is a great traveling companion and we had a lot of fun listening to and laughing at an audio version of The Penderwicks. We managed to squeeze the first two books of the series into our trip. Also highly recommended reading.
We've been spending a lot of time outside these days, enjoying our yard and some of the local walking paths. Alex and I went out on a limb and invited the parents of a new homeschooling family who moved here recently out to lunch. Alex's reminder that day showed up on his phone as a "12:00 lunch with strangers" appointment. So funny! Ian has been rehearsing for Elf and partying with absolutely everyone in Idaho Falls it seems like! I told him the other day that he is going to need to start a savings account especially for gas so when he starts driving he can support his travels from one end of this town to the other! Jack enjoyed going shooting with his Deacon's quorum recently and has been playing a lot of soccer. He rarely goes anywhere without a ball of some kind in his hands or kicking around by his feet. Peter keeps us entertained with is perceptive 8 year-old insights and has recently taken over the responsibility for the chickens. He takes very good care of them and they follow him around devotedly.
We enjoyed having Dad here for an election party. That was pretty much the only enjoyable part of the evening. But visiting and playing catch the next morning while we tried to locate a blue jay that we have seen zooming through the garden reminded us of what is truly important and lasting. We love any chance we get of seeing Dad and Mom and the rest of you.
We've been learning a lot about our bodies in our anatomy unity we do with Ruth's family on Wednesdays and it truly is miraculous to consider all the systems God set up inside of us that carry on largely without our awareness of them. One astonishing fact: So, the small intestine is about 20 feet long and the inside of it is covered with villi or tiny tendrils that aid in nutrient absorption. If the lining were smooth instead of covered with these little villi the small intestine would have to be 2 miles long in order to achieve the same nutrient absorption! Crazy!
The cousin's upcoming performance of Cracked Wheat for Christmas is drawing close and it's all very exciting. Thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement of this process. It's fun to see the kids collaborate and work SUPER hard.
Love to you all! Can't wait to rub shoulders with you all soon!
It's the time for epic leaf piles!
Such cute kids! I loved watching them try to sit on this little ledge. They would back up and back up and back up without looking and inevitably over shoot and miss entirely
Poutine! How the boys eat when mom is away.
Ian's mummy door.
Green with Envy
Charlie Brown, Peter Pan's shadow, and a smartie pants.