Sunday, December 13, 2020

Flake Fun

Stylin' in Emma's boots


It was so fun to "go" dress shopping with Emma yesterday!  Can't wait to see the dress in person!!  

We woke up this morning to snow! We actually noticed it on our way to bed but the kids woke up to it! The sun was shining so we walked around the neighborhood and delivered Christmas goodies this afternoon. The kids helped make the goodies this year.  Notice Robin patiently waiting for the mixer with her arms folded!

The kids and I took a trip to Smithfield the week before last and had fun playing with the Manning boys.  

James is still growing like a weed and has surpassed the 13 lb mark.

Robin and Rand are both starting to try their hand at talking.  It is fun to hear them repeat sounds of words we say. 

Hope that you all have a great week! We are counting down the days until we see you all!!

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