Sunday, December 20, 2020

Flake Fun

 Where has this month and year gone? I can't believe we are already at the end of December.  

Things in Snowflake have been cold, cold, cold. I'm guessing our temps aren't what Utah and Idaho are experiencing but it still feels really cold!! Rand and Robin learned a new word "snow!" and they are very excited that there will be snow at Grandma and Grandpa's house for Christmas.   They are starting to say understandable words - at least I think they are understandable!

James is now 14 lbs and content to watch his older siblings play and make noise.  He is very patient with their loving gestures and only gets fussy when he is hungry or wants to be changed.  

Scott has been a trooper this week and has nearly all of the wood split.  He is a bit sore from the effort but it will be nice to have it all off of the ground. 

We are excited to see everyone in the next couple of weeks!!

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