Sunday, December 29, 2019

Hart Happenings

Happy holidays everyone!
  The Christmas part was full of family time, concerts, parties, and some good down time.  I'm with Lauren and Ruth about excitement for new beginnings and fresh starts that new years always stir up in me.  And I really like the look of the year 2020 on paper. Here's to our visions, thoughts, and dreams of the brand new year!!!  Huzzah!
  A highlight of the holiday was Thomas and Victoria's announcement about their baby.  We are so excited for them!
  It was a treat to host Emma for Christmas!  She is a super fun person to have around and made the week seem that much more special.  We got some good girl time in watching the new Little Women movie and breaking it down afterward.  It actually inspired me to pull out the book and have another go at it.  I'm almost done and it is just as wonderful as I remember.  Speaking of books, I'm so glad that you like The Happiness Paradox book, Lauren.  I can't wait to colloquialize with you about it!
  Jenn, my boys wanted nothing more than to jump in your epic pile of muddy buddies when they saw the picture.  So tasty!  And I think yours is the only picture I've ever seen of babies on Santa's lap NOT crying!  Well done.
  I have been inspired by Ruth's simplifying push.  Emma and I hauled some boxes out of the basement and felt much accomplished.  Ruth's energy and drive never fails to impress and motivate me!  On to my kitchen drawers!
  Peter and I took a turn with a foul stomach bug the past couple of days and luckily are feeling better today.  Ruth brought a bag of lovely tomato soup, bread, berries, and other delicious items.  Thanks mucho!
  Hope all is well with you and that the New Year brings lots of opportunities to see all you lovely people!

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