Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Flake Fun

Things are snowy and white in Snowflake right now - and bitter cold! It snowed most of Saturday which was so fun.

We had a good Christmas, the best so far according to Scott.  Randy and Dona rented a cabin in a little town called Pine and that was fun.  We woke up Christmas morning to snow which I loved.  Robin and Rand got spoiled. 

Since then we have been hunkering down trying to keep a fire in the stove so we don't turn into popcicles!

I am looking forward to 2020.  The first big event being on Jan 10th when I "retire". I can't wait!!

We hope that this year brings lots of Utah and Idaho visits since the twins did so well on the Thanksgiving trip.  If there are big family events, please let us know so we can try to be there!

Now for some pictures:

Christmas outfits from Grandma Flake

If you look closely you can see a baby in all the checkers!

This is how I felt too after all of the festivities

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