Sunday, December 15, 2019

Flake Fun

Congtats to the Harts on their new fireplace! More power to Ruth to achieve her minimalistic lifestyle!  It makes me anxious to do something productive!!! 

We harvested our first greenhouse tomato this week and we have several more coming on!  Yes, you read right, we harvested in December!!! Kind of a fun thing.  We also made a huge batch of muddy buddies (see picture below) as Christmas goodies for our neighbors and friends. 

The babies will be 5 months old tomorrow which is really hard to believe.  They are starting to toy with the idea of rolling over consistently and are trying to scoot around. They are getting pretty good hand-eye coordination and they babble quite a bit.  

We had our ward Christmas party yesterday and the babies sat on Santa's lap.  We backed them in so they never saw his face and they were happy! 

I am counting down the days until my retirement from employment. (16 more working days). Work coupled with little sleep and the realization if how quickly time is now passing made for a very emotional week for me. Thankfully I have a patient husband. 

I believe that is all that we have to report this week!! Happy holidays to everyone!!

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