Greetings all!
What a treat it has been to be with each of you recently. You truly are our most favorite people on earth!
Thanksgiving was a blast! The food was super yummy, the Cousin Christmas Concert was a hoot and quite the display of talent, the house was cozy, and the company above average! So great to see Jenn and Scott and their littles. Thanks so much for making the effort to come all that way and in horrible weather too. You guys are all troopers!
Our gathering was the perfect introduction to the holiday season which has descended in real time at the Hart house. It feels/smells/tastes/looks like Christmas. We have really enjoyed Lighting the World. The boys are always looking at our calendar on the fridge to see what the day's suggestion is and planning ahead to the next few days. It is a good reminder of what the season is really about.
There have been book clubs, ward parties, family Christmas parties, soccer games, parkour races, concerts, a little bit of sickness, and everything in the book this week. All of it very enjoyable.
The boys love all the above things (minus the sniffles) and it is fun to see them engage in their lives with such vim and vigor while Alex and I just try to match their enthusiasm and keep up with them!
Our fireplace surround is scheduled to be installed next week which has me over the moon excited! It will be so nice to have that project wrapped up and completed.
We are so grateful for all of you and hope your holiday season is proceeding in a lovely, cozy, heart-warming way.
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