Such cute babies! Glad to hear they are growing and so fun to get the occasional photo update. Hoping to see them in person again soon!
This time of year it is all about what is going on in the garden. Well, that and soccer, and play practice, oh and school starting up again, and (Alex will be disappointed if I don't include this) college football season. Right. All of the things, but mostly the garden. It is glorious! We are reveling in juicy blackberries, a plethora of crispy cucumbers, bean by the bag, cabbage, potatoes, a few tenacious peas, and the intermittent tomato. So fun!
We went to the zoo this week and caught the animals at a very active, awake time. I don't think there was a single exhibit that didn't have the animals up and around in it. So fun to see it all!
Our friends, the Cronins (I think some of you know them) came over for s'mores on Friday night and it was so nice to visit with them and enjoy their company. They have 4 girls to our 3 boys and its nice to have that cosmic balance restored when we are together! Angela tuned into Joe's podcast the next day and texted to say how much she enjoyed it. They are such good friends.
We kicked off college football season with the BYU/Utah game on Thursday night. That is all the mention it deserves.
It was fun to see Ruth's watermelon stand over the weekend. She is hustling up some great business with her great product. She had a Hispanic couple stop by even before they got the sign up and they wanted to trade tamales for watermelon. An excellent trade! I was kicking myself for the rest of the day that I didn't buy some while they were there. So Ruth ended up with a dozen hot tamales and it wasn't until after they left that I realized we could've had tamales all day if I had been on the ball. It'll be interesting to see how this project evolves over the next few years.....
Ian is enjoying getting to know his new Young Men's presidency. They seem really great and they enjoyed a fun marshmallow war activity this week.
We were doing some yardwork yesterday and some black crawling through our lawn caught my eye. Upon closer inspection it was a salamander! I wish I had gotten a picture of it because it was HUGE! It is the third one we have found on our property, all in different places, but this one was, by far, the biggest. We were worried that it would get run over by the lawn mower so the kids relocated it to the pavilion area. Hopefully it can feel at home there.
Hope you all have fun plans for Labor Day weekend and hope to see you soon!
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