Sunday, September 15, 2019

Flake Fun

This has been a good week. The weather has cooled down. We haven't gotten the rain that I was hoping for but I'll take the cooler temps.

We "took courage" and went to church today.  It went much better than I expected.  Everyone looked but no one touched! They were both well behaved and it felt good to go back.  Although I can't tell you what was talked about or what the lesson was on!

Both Robin and Rand have gotten a lot more smiley which is fun. And they are staring to mimicking people.  The other day Robin was sleeping and making some noises (she is the noisiest sleeper!) and Rand started copying her! I really think that he thought it was a game!

In garden news, we have a tomato that is turning red and we found 2 cantaloupes and a watermelon!

Hope that you all have a great week!

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