Sunday, September 1, 2019

Bringing the Texas Heat........But also, go Utes


It's been a minute since Tori and I updated... Sorry!  Things have been going great here in the sweat bowl called Houston.  Literally, a sweat bowl.  Like 80% humidity at 102 degrees.  Yup, so enjoy y'alls harvest and cooling weather, we'll just be drowning in heat down here, it's cool. 

Anyway!  Tori's been traveling all over for work, mostly in Texas, with a few jobs in other states.  But she enjoys being able to see fun places and connect with people that she's communicated with via social media.  She leaves this week for Tokyo to work on a cruise ship there for 8 days, and I get to join her after, to explore the city for a week!  I know nothing of Japan other than they love anime, and Disney, so it will be quite the adventure I'm sure...

The job at Barry's has been going wonderfully, and we've been growing and doing so well in the community!  Last week I had a couple of former NFL players in class, which was super fun/intimidating!  They are GINORMOUS human beings.  But it's fun to see them dying along with everyone else in the room.  Quite satisfying, if I do say so myself. 

I think that just about covers how things are going here.  Work hard, play hard.  But mostly work. 
Oooooooooooooooh, I did find a fantastic quote that I use in class all the time, and I think everyone needs to read it.  This really smart dude named Socrates said, "No man [woman] has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man [woman] to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which [their] body is capable." 

You go Socrates.

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