Sunday, May 26, 2019

Hart Happenings

We just got back from a trip to Smithfield to visit the folks and Thomas.  Always so fun to see them!  Carl and Michelle were there as well so we got some good family visiting in on Friday and Saturday. Alex is in New York again, thanks Joe, for letting him crash at your house taking him to the airport the next morning, so we decided to skip down for a visit since the weather was so lousy and we couldn't be working in the garden.  So we went and worked in Mom and Dad's garden!  The weather there on Saturday was lovely.

Our hispanic friend, Lalo was over working on the living room, retexturing the ceiling, which looks really nice sans holes now.  He left his scaffolding overnight and the boys had a blast climbing all over that.

Soccer practice, yard jobs in between rain showers, garden class, you know, the usual.....

Life is good!

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