Monday, May 20, 2019

Flake Fun

Things are going very well in Snowflake.  We had an ultrasound on Monday (a week ago) and the babies are doing very well. They are both almost 3 lbs and growing well.  Little girl is head down and little boy may have flipped over during the week (it was a weird sensation so I'm not sure if it happened or not).  They are both quite active and love their Dad.  A couple of weeks ago Scott went to the Father & Sons over night activity.  Friday night the babies were both very calm and hardly moved.  When Scott walked in the door on Saturday morning and they heard his voice I wouldn't have been surprised if they had popped through my abdominal wall to hug him! It was awesome!

We are anxiously awaiting a warm 10 day forecast so that we can transplant our peppers, tomatoes, celery and other greenhouse plants.  The potatoes are doing really well as are the broccoli and beans. I thought that spring had arrived but it has been cold for the last couple of days. 

We rented out our Taylor house again.  The last tenants moved out on April 30 and that next week we hired a new employee at the Health Department that needed a house!  Things seem to be working out in that realm which is nice. 

That is all that I can really think of right now.  Hope that you all have a great week!

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