Sunday, May 19, 2019

Hart Happenings

Hello all!
  It is so good to be home!
  The cruise was wonderful!  The Caribbean is everything the calendars make it look like.  The weather was sublime!  The boys are missing the all-you-can-eat soft-serve ice cream, the pool, rock climbing, and mini-golf that was at their fingertips everyday.
  But it was so fun to come home and see the trees in bloom and get back to soccer, digging in the garden/yard, and all the other things that make up our every days.
  We've had some major shuffling in Primary with new teachers, pianist, and a new first counselor, so that has made things interesting for the past week or so.
  Rain is falling all around today and while Alex and I took a walk with our umbrellas the boys opted to stay home and make fortune cookies which were actually delicious.  They even tried a chocolate version!  But the fortunes inside were totally the best part.  Like:  "I cannot help you for I am just a cookie," or "what is brown and sticky?  You'll never know," or "If you think I'm going to sum up your whole life on this little piece of paper, you're crazy," or "This is 30 calories.  Think about it." So clever!  They make me laugh all the time!
  Our summer garden class starts tomorrow.  It should be so fun!  We have lots of plans!
  We've been hearing our share of the sniffles around here.  Trying to decide if it's spring allergies or a cold.  Hmmmm.
  Well, I have to go get things gathered up for a presidency meeting.  Congrats to mom and dad on their new callings!  6-year old primary class is where it's at!

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