Sunday, February 17, 2019

Smithfield Scoop

Two very exciting things happened this week here, too!
#1 - We got our tax paperwork to the accountant, which is a huge relief.
#2 - The Manning family came to visit! They are still here, which is wonderful. We've played racquetball at the rec center, invented marble games with Wesley, baked cookies, facetimed with Thomas while we were tending the boys when Lauren and Nick went shooting, played ping pong, talked and visited and thoroughly enjoyed having company. We hope they will want to come again!

Oh, and #3, we finished our 6 week challenge today. I have been grateful for the family history challenge I made. It has helped me not only print and archive all of Emma's mission letters and go through photos for Dad to scan, but also helped me record in my journal all of the happenings of last year that I didn't make time to write about when we were in the middle of all of the changes. I have wanted to make sure I got it down on paper because it was such a significant year. Thanks to Alex for the challenge. I finished the goal and hope to do better at recording more consistently this year since there are bound to be more changes coming up!

We enjoyed seeing Joe's family on Valentine's Day! The children were so delighted with all of their valentines. It used to be a simple holiday with homemade hearts and cards, but is surely different. I hope everyone felt very loved on Valentine's Day. One of our favorite parts of visiting Joe was seeing some of the projects he's been working on. Very delightful!

After much snow, and wind, and snow, and rain and snow this week, Dad's back is really feeling it! We are looking forward to spring time around here...

We're not sure what the new missionary changes will bring for us. It will be interesting tomorrow to hear from Emma and see how she feels about it and what her thoughts are. We'll let you know if we get a phone call or some other communication besides email.

Have a great week everyone! We hope to be in touch with all of you very soon!

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