Sunday, September 11, 2016

Flake Fun

11 September 2016 - Not much has happened since we last saw all of you so this will be short.  Having a short work week was really quite nice.  The only thing out of the ordinary that we did since arriving back home was that we spent all day yesterday cutting firewood.  It hasn't been split yet but we have a large pile of logs in our backyard.  And that's it!  Oh, and we saw a deer while we were there.  It wandered up to us (about 100 yards away) while Scott was sharpening the chainsaw and just stared at us for a minute or two before scampering off. 

It was interesting today to think back to 9/11.  Scott reported to the MTC on September 12, 2001 which put a unique perspective on his memories of that day.  As many of you might remember, I was in Ecuador getting ready to come back.  Also a unique perspective.  I'm sure that we all have unique memories of where we were and what we were doing.  I am grateful for the blessings of liberty and safety that we enjoy. 

It was so fun to see everyone for the gathering.  Thanks to Joe and Lori and their kids for letting us "have a sleepover".  And for Grant saying that we could have 10 sleepovers if we wanted to!  Can't wait to see you all at Christmas time! 

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