Sunday, September 25, 2016

Nilsson News

My mind has been every which way it seems and I'm trying to figure out what I've told you already and what may be new.  We have had a couple of encounters with skunks in our garden.  Luckily they weren't close encounters and nobody came back smelling real smelly.  We think this skunk lives in our neighbor's yard and efforts are going to be made to trap him.  I saw what happened when you trap raccoons but I don't want to think of what a skunk could do if it got trapped.
Our family enjoyed a quick mini vacation down to Layton this past weekend.  We went to our former ward's harvest dinner and it was so fun to visit with friends and neighbors.  It was a little saddening when we drove past our house and noticed that trees and flower beds had been removed.  I guess there aren't very many people who enjoy yard work like I do.  Well, we miss our friends but we do not miss the crazy-busy, traffic filled madness of that Wasatch Front location.  I don't know if you heard about the tornado that went through there just a few days ago?  We only saw a few areas that were affected with trees that were completed uprooted but I guess the golf course lost around 100 trees and Gentile street was out of power for three days because all the phone poles toppled over.  And people told us that Idaho was a windy place.  We haven't seen wind here like we saw while living in Layton!
Garrett was recently called as the new Young Men's president for our ward.  So far he is enjoying the calling but he is struggling to find the answer to approaching the technology issue (cell phone use) effectively.  Any suggestions would be appreciated!
The biggest news for the week is that we are getting five new little additions to the family! Okay, I am not have quintuplets (phew!) and I hope I didn't give you a heart attack by saying that.  Tomorrow we are getting five miniature donkeys to add to our mini farm.  Three of them are pregnant and our plan is to start a breeding business with them.  There is not a single mini donkey breeder in Idaho or Utah so we are treading new ground.  They are mostly pets but have proven to be extremely friendly, lovable and good with kids.  They can be trained to pull a cart or carry a pack and are often times used as therapy animals.  We are excited about it.  If you are intrigued you should come visit or at least look them up online.  Hopefully will have some pictures next week!

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