Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Hyde Park Happiness

I can't tell you how delightful it is when we are all together!  A huge Shout Out to the Harts for making the gathering so wonderful!!! What a lot of work they went to in order for us to be together and have a great time. There were some very memorable moments - like Alex's magic tricks with Joy and Jake!, and some sweet moments for me - like discussions with each of you and watching the children seek comfort and get help from any available aunt or uncle.

Jack turned 8 on Sunday and the Harts traveled to Hyde Park to have dinner with Thomas and Victoria and the Mannings and us.  It was so fun to have them come.  I was thinking how nice it would be if we were all within an hour's drive and could have birthday parties and Sunday dinners frequently... Ah, well, we'll take them when we can get them!  Jack was thrilled with the gift from the Mannings - a fishing date with Uncle Nick!

The Relief Society lesson on Sunday was about preserving and protecting the family.  President Hunter said, "The family is the most important unit in time and in eternity and as such, transcends every other interest in life."  Being with our family recently made me aware that you are all focused on just that - making family of utmost importance.  Thank you for your efforts!  We are so grateful to belong to all of you and to learn from your examples. You are the best!!

Just a comment about Jenn's post.  I distinctly remember the morning of Sept 11, 2001.  I was in the basement and turned the news on to see what was going on.  It was devastating and quite frightening. I felt very vulnerable and violated.  I was frightened for our children and our country. It was such an unknown experience to be attacked on our own soil that it was a little hard to believe at first.  I had a hard time pulling myself away from the news.  Most of you probably remember it clearly, but Thomas was only Addy's age and Emma was only Joy and Jake's age at the time.  Emma was trying to understand all the fuss on Sunday... Perspective.  I am truly grateful for where we live and for this country, with all of its struggles.  Elder Cook gave a World Wide Devotional from Washington, D.C. on Sunday and talked a bit about 9-11.  It's worth looking up.

Hey, if anyone has pictures from the gathering, it would be fun to see them here on the blog :)

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