Sunday, September 25, 2016

Flake Fun

25 September 2016 - Sorry we didn't write late week.  It was fair week and both of us were basically comatose by the time the week was over!  There is A LOT of behind the scenes things at the fair that I never knew about. 

This week was a fairly blustery one. (No tornadoes though!)  I spent the first half of the week in Phoenix at a couple of conferences with my coworkers.  The second one was more interesting to me than the first one.  One of the speakers was talking about getting through to people in messaging.  He went through each generation and talked about why they do what they do. For example: the baby boomers showed affection by working to provide.  Their children, generation X show their love by experiences and time. Baby boomers are annoyed that Gen X won't stay late and be "dedicated to the job" but would rather go to soccer practice or football practice with their children.  Very interesting.  That might be something for Garrett to look into when thinking about his young men and their technology.  Speaking of generations, do you know what they are considering calling the new generation?  The snowflake generation because they are all so delicate and unique! 

I canned a batch and a half of tomatoes on Friday to add to the batch we did last week. Scott split and I stacked nearly 2 cords of wood on Friday night (until about 11:00PM) which was exhausting but nice to have checked off the to do list. 

The house is coming along.  We made our last big purchase for the house (tile and accoutrements) and we'll hopefully be back to normal enough schedule wise to really get on the stick. 

Last week's Primary funny:

I was sitting with the sunbeam class until their teacher arrived.

Sunbeam one: My birthday is in 2 minutes
Sunbeam two: (with a VERY concerned look on his face)  I don't have a birthday...

Today was the last day for our junior primary chorister.  Their family moved across town to another ward.  She was telling the kids that she wasn't going to be in the ward but they were still in town so we'd still see them at school.

Sunbeam one (same one from last week):  Um, I'm too young for school so I won't see her.

Hope that everyone has a great week! 

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