Sunday, February 9, 2025

Nilsson News

 Where do you begin when you haven't posted since September?!  School started, we had Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years.  Winter arrived and ever remains.  Watching these house projects of the Mannings and Flakes is sure making me a little bit antsy to start one of our own.  I haven't come up with a good enough excuse to start one however, nor the funding needed for one.  I'm still looking.  I have everything all planned out in my mind and it would make our house so lovely!  This is the first winter we haven't had a house project going and I am going slightly stir crazy.  Millie in fact asked me the other day, "When are we going to do a big project mom?  Like, knocking some walls down?"  A girl after my own heart.

I feel like the majority of my life is running the kids to their various activities and lessons.  It's quite the time. Garrett is currently in Spokane for a work conference.  He is really enjoying his job and the people he works with.

Sorry this post is oh so bland but maybe the pictures will be more enjoyable (in no particular order)!

Emerson has been participating in a homeschool choir singing bass and he is really enjoying it!  He is one of two basses.

We love touring Lori's dad's shop!  It was so amazing!  This is one of the little cars he built from scratch just for fun.  Maybe Emerson will build something like this just for fun someday.

Addy and Millie's piano recital.
Cute mini charcuterie boxes!
We had a fun snow cone making party with the Hart's, Bellistons squared, and Flakes over New Year's and it was sure a tasty time.
It's always fun to go cross country skiing at the golf course.  Dane loved riding in the buggy!

Eliza turned 12!
Addy continues to be a part of the high school audition choir.

A special movie night that Addy and Eliza put together complete with an amazing charcuterie board!

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