Sunday, February 16, 2025

Flake Fun

This whole week was so windy that we only left the house when we had to.  But, despite the wind, we are officially done with excavation and we have passed all septic inspections!! 

The best news of the week is that the first installment of the orchard (one tree) and blueberry bushes should arrive this week.  In anticipation we went over to the orchard and dug a hole.  It was moist and, dare I say, decent soil 2 feet down!! Scott tried to get his shovel in 15 feet to the east and couldn't get down 2 inches!! I am a believer in cover crops and mulching!!!

We had a nice Valentine's day.  

"Mom, watch out for an alien invasion!"

We got some for kits and the kids love designing the forts.  Really pretty easy to put together which is nice. 

"Liz" our pet lizard that lives in the greenhouse

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