Sunday, February 9, 2025

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello hello all :) kudos to Jenn for always being the most consistent at writing on the blog. Hopefully I will remember to do it more frequently, but absolutely no promises whatsoever ๐Ÿ˜‚

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. Thanks to everyone who came to Stetsons birthday party and made it such a blast! And thanks to everyone who made the effort to see us before we left! I was really glad Christmas was right before all the craziness so I could see everyone! That was a blessing. 

We are slowly getting settled into our new place. Haha. Our old place. The house is pretty old and quirky but it’s good too. It smells like old people so if you have any ideas of how to get that smell out, please let me know ๐Ÿ˜‚ Stetson and Oakley love exploring the backyard and have gotten muddy every day this week. Rain boots are on my shopping list. The “creek” in our backyard is in fact a very large body of water that has been very full and fast and makes me incredibly anxious, especially since Stetson now knows how to unlock any and all doors and how to open said doors. Luckily, his grandma and grandpa Hyde gifted him a bouncy house for his birthday (we’re talking 16 feet with a slide and everything) that resides in the unfinished basement, so that takes up most of his time which is a blessing for now. 

I feel like there is plenty to say but not much to talk about ๐Ÿ˜… here are some pictures from the last few weeks. Hope you have a great week. 

Stetson is mostly our happy guy, but this meltdown occurred because he had finished his goldfish and I had taken the empty bowl to fill it with some dinner. I was unaware that he really wanted to hang on to that bowl. He was sobbing here and didn’t want daddy to touch him, only mama. It was very tragic.

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