Monday, February 10, 2025

Flake Fun

Our weather seems to be confused and can't decide if it is winter or summer so the kids are suffering from colds and coughs caused by the ever fluctuating temperatures. 

We got our official PASS for the septic system so we can now flush our imaginary toilets! Yay! We have been trying to get some water on the basement area and the fill dirt since, as my neighbor so eloquently put it, "it's like walking on the moon!" The quantity of fine powder dirt there is insane.  I was not emotionally ready for the desolation that the big machines brought to an already desolate landscape.  But, that makes it all the more of a blank slate for the beautifying, right? 

The kids have been taking the 2 weeks swim classes offered by the town and they really seem to enjoy them.  They are really excited about starting gymnastics again next month. 

Experimenting with sodium alginate... or something like that

Our new septic tank

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