Sunday, September 3, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

Hello there :) this week has been a week of recovery for Stetson and I. We’ve been back from Utah for over a week and a half now, but Stetson got sick when we got back and has not been sleeping, so we’re still playing catch up. Good times! I have a newfound respect for Jenn - always taking the kids on trips to Grandmas and totally upsetting sleeping schedules, not to mention potty training and all other things! Moms are pretty amazing. Hats off to all of you!! :)

Cam is still working at the Stretch Zone as the GM. The owner is looking to hire a Regional Manager, and Cam seems to be in line for the position! We’re not sure if/when that will take place, but he’s been working hard and putting in the time to make it happen. Because of that, the soda business is on the back burner for now. I think we will restart at the beginning of the year :) 

The big news of the week??! I feel like a real homemaker. I canned tomatoes!! Our own tomatoes from our own garden in our own canner!! Now I know that’s not a big deal to all you professional homemakers out there, but I was very proud and felt like I was initiated into the homemakers guild or something 😂 it truly is so cool to grow something, harvest, and preserve it. Thanks to a phenomenal mom and dad for showing us the ropes. 

Other news of the week, Cam and I were able to go to the temple and do a session!! I haven’t been since they made the changes and it was awesome. We absolutely loved it and it was great to get some alone time with Cam in the Celestial Room. Cams mom came along and watched Stetson for us while we were inside which was super great. Then we enjoyed some of the best Mexican food I’ve had in awhile. It was a good day :)

Well we sure love you all!! I think I say this every week but our house is always open! We love visitors and would love to take you around Lexington, especially in the fall ;) 

This is Stetsons new face. He makes it randomly and always laughs afterward. It totally kills us, which is probably why he does it so often. 

He is a total goofball and I love it

More feet on the dash 

Not the best picture quality, but it was a quality day

Apparently he loves lasagna

Just five jars but that’s plenty for us!! 😍😍😍

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