Sunday, August 6, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 Hi all :) first of all, big congrats to the Mannings and their cute baby girl!! I can’t wait to see more pictures of her!! Gotta tell you though, it’s tough being the youngest because when it gets your turn to name your kids, your siblings may or may not have stolen your favorite baby names πŸ˜‚ truthfully, Jane was at the top of our girl names list, but I’m glad someone used it well! In the off chance that we ever have a girl (or another baby lol), we will have to find a good runner up name :)

Absolutely nothing worth noting happened this week. Stetson slept in until 9am a few of the days, making for a crazy start to the day πŸ˜… you know you’re a mom when the “crazy” thing that happened to you is your baby actually sleeping. Good times. 

We have been enjoying our garden immensely. I love love love our tomatoes, and Stetson gets a kick out of sucking the juice out of our cherry tomatoes and getting it all over his face and clothes. So fun! It’s actually awesome to feed your baby something that you grew and that you know everything about as far as what’s in it. Very rewarding I must say. 

We are getting so excited to come to Utah!! I’m really grateful we were able to make it work. I can’t believe Emi Bennett is getting married (soon to be Emilee Palmer). It will be so fun to be at her wedding and to get to hear dad do a sealing :) I’m looking forward to seeing you all! Stetson might have some teeth come through while we’re there, and who knows, he may start walking. I wouldn’t be too surprised honestly. 

Well, I love you all! Have a great week!

He’s always so happy when he wakes up! I was thinking about it, and I could probably count on one hand the amount of times he’s actually cried when he’s woken up!

Already helping me out

I really can’t get enough of him

This makes me laugh every time πŸ˜‚ it’s tough being a little guy! 

This might be the only picture he and I have together πŸ˜‚

He’s so big 

He was not a fan of the live band at dinner. He never snuggles like this. 

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