Sunday, August 27, 2023

Flake Fun

I have to agree with Emma, seeing everyone that we could while in Utah was great! A special thanks to Grandma, Elise and Emma for making a tea party dream come true! It meant the world to Robin and me. 

The kids are still talking about the fun hike that we took with Joe's family and about how cute baby Jane is.

Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for the little zoo excursion and for the Aggie ice cream.  Always a highlight of our trips.

Since getting back, we are trying to get back into our groove. Library storytime has started up again which is always a highlight.  We spent a whole morning last week building a "tree house". It isn't a $1.5M place by any means ($1.50 maybe) but the kids like to eat snacks in it. 

We got a new bishopric today which is always fun.  As I was walking up to say the closing prayer, James yelled out at the top of his lungs, "where are you going?" Scott was still laughing when I got back. 

Hope that you all have a great week!! 

The "tree house"

The toad from the park

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