Sunday, August 27, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello all! It was so  great to be able to see most of you while in Utah. T and Tori, we’ll have to catch you next time. It was a blast to catch up and laugh a lot and chat some more. Stetson learned how to crawl on our trip and has been happy to be home and moving all over the place. He’s also seven months now!! Such a big kiddo. Emi Bennett’s wedding was so nice. She was a beautiful bride and her husband seems really nice. I also made nice with Joe Palmer. He’s actually a really nice guy who just made a little girl very sad one day, but I think I’ve forgiven him. For those of you who care, he works for Wabash and live in Indiana with his wife, Heather Hinkson (they knew each other in high school). Good times.

Thanks for all the fun memories! We had a blast with you guys and hope to not be strangers :) thanks again!

He was a champ on the flights!! Made friends with everyone and was sooooo good the whole time 

First time with the bean bag. ✅

Emma Zook and hubby met us as the fair so we could chat for a minute.

When in Logan

Yay for Emi!!

I finally got to meet one of my friends babies. She’s 14 months and oh so cute😂 her personality is hilarious and I love her. Her name is Chloe

Aggie Ice Cream for the win!

He loves his grandpa

With some cousins

And uncles

And some more cousins (they’re reading Calvin and Hobbs)


Just a picture of dad taking a picture. Of their floor. With a ruler. I love that guy

More cousins!

Went on a run with Uncle Joe

Swam at a $15million dollar house. Nbd

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