Sunday, July 2, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello hello! Not much is happening over here. This week we have been pelted by thunderstorms and they are pretty epic to say the least. Stetson keeps us laughing as he grows into his personality. He’s hilarious. He has decided he has some preferences and has more emotional outbursts lately, which I shouldn’t think are funny but I do πŸ˜‚ today we were at church and there were two babies there as well. One of them is a girl and is a couple months older than Stetson. Guys. She stayed in her car seat almost the whole time, content as could be. It was weird. The other was another baby boy, and he might’ve been a little younger than Stetson. Regardless, I couldn’t help thinking how baby he looked and acted. I mean, he didn’t smile or interact with anyone! And he was fussy. So strange. Haha I just think our little Stetson boy is pretty socially aware and we have some pretty awesome conversations and that me think he’s not really a baby…

His face after not sleeping all night. Thinks it’s a pretty fun trick.

He doesn’t seem to appreciate any of the food we give him, but at least he’s happy about it! 

After work shenanigans with dad


The cool kid on the block

I adore him. Even when he doesn’t sleep. Ever. 

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