Sunday, July 23, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 Not a lot happened this week, but it was a good one nonetheless! Stetson has been sleeping a little better most days, and that makes the biggest difference in this tired mommas life!! We had fun going and picking blackberries and making jam this week. It is such a fun farm. When you come to visit, we will take you and pick whatever happens to be in season :) it was also Oakley’s birthday yesterday, so we celebrated her with some new toys (which she refuses to share with Stetson), and lots of treats. She’s a whole two years old and boy does she act like a teenager. 

Crawling is hard work y’all 

He loves being a bare boy

He doesn’t sleep on me very often anymore so this was a treat 

He’s beginning to like food a little more lately. Or maybe he just likes making a mess.


Best buddies 

He LOVED the blackberries 

Seeing the fish at Cabellas for Oakleys birthday. 

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