Sunday, June 25, 2023

Flake Fun

Well, summer is here. I don't remember the end of June being this windy but windy it is.  When it gets down to 10-15 MPH we venture outside.  The chickens are losing their feathers, the plants are all growing crooked and everything is horribly dry (including lips and skin) but we are surviving. 

We are getting back into our routine after Nauvoo.  Although, the day after we got back, I was trying to get a few things put of the suitcase.  Robin watched for a few minutes, picked up her stack of clothes and  put them back in the suitcase declaring, "we need to pack because were going back to Nauvoo for 90 days!" Wouldn't that be fun? 

We went to a local balloon festival this weekend.  The kids thought that the balloons were pretty neat.  

Our library hosted a dinosaur encounter for the summer reading program which we attended.  After assurances that the dinosaurs weren't real the kids enjoyed it. 

That's about all that we have to report.  We love you all! 

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