Sunday, May 28, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 Guys, we are so excited to see everyone in TWO WEEKS!! Woohoo!! I’m a little less excited for an eight hour car drive with a five month old, but we’ll survive I’m sure. At least it’s not an 18 hour drive with rowdy toddlers… people who do that must be crazy or something.

Not too much happened this week. We went to a fun neighborhood party yesterday which was very fun. We also went and played pickleball for the first time this year which was also a blast. But that’s about all we’ve got to report! Cam goes to camp this weekend so I’ll get Stetson all to myself for 3 whole days ;) pray for me please haha. 

I love sleepy eyes

Start ‘em young

Tried his stroller for the first time… he loved it, let me tell you.

He met great Grammy and Papa Westover this week. They’re staying with the Hyde’s for a few weeks. 

Just a happy happy guy

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