Sunday, May 14, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 Okay funny story yall. We were just sitting down, enjoying the weather in the backyard a couple days ago. The birds were singing, someone was mowing their lawn. I saw a bird flying overhead. I thought to myself, that bird is going to go to the bathroom on us. And what happened? The bird literally pooped on Stetsons leg! He was just flying, right above us, and he went! It was absolutely the most bizarre thing ever. I died laughing while Cam (who was holding Stetson) begged me to go get some paper towels (thanks to Jack for the birthday present). It was so odd. 

Anyway, we’ve just been enjoying life! Stetson is now four months old! Pretty crazy! We’re getting very excited for everyone to meet him. 

First baseball game! Cam was in heaven the whole time. He told me he’s been dreaming of this day for a long long time.

He loves not having a shirt on

He found his toes


Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there :) I sure love you all and have mad respect for you guys and how put together you always seem to be😅 thanks for teaching me all the tricks and blazing the trail.

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