Chocolate puzzles!
Hello Spring!
I don’t think I have ever been more grateful for a turn in the weather and a change of season. All seems to be so much better with the warmer temperatures and sunshine.
I have been endlessly entertained by the boys antics now that the sun is out. Ian just wants to follow the sun around and soak it in, while Peter and Jack immediately pulled out the bikes and have been having laser gun wars while riding the bikes all around the yard.
With the good weather come the soccer and spikeball tournaments which take up most of our evenings.
Ian is in the final weeks of rehearsing for Joseph. They had to push back opening night because they are still trying to finish the theater and the carpet they ordered was detained in customs.
While Alex and Jack went to L.A. this weekend for spikeball Peter and I jetted down to Utah and snuck in a visit with the Manning’s (Mom and Dad were there too as an added bonus) and the Joe Bellistons. It was so good to see everyone! There was some pretty torrential rain in places on the drive to and from which is always exciting. I sure love the rain!
We had our final member meeting of the year which officially ends our homeschool co-op and at the meeting we voted in new board members which means that my term on the board has come to an end. It has been such a rewarding experience to serve with such dedicated women. I learned and grew a lot and made some really dear friends in the process.
Pretty much same old same old at the Hart house. But I will take it!
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