Saturday, May 13, 2023

Flake Fun

Much of this week was spent out doors. The garden is nearly planted and the carrots are sprouting (thanks to great advice from Aunt Elise)!  And the gladiolus are up!!!! Five of our six lilac bushes are looking good. The sixth may have been too big to transplant but I haven't given up yet. 

This week will be more of the same but with a funeral on Friday.  Scott's uncle died a few days ago.  We are still talking over going to Mesa for the funeral or just going to the graveside service in Snowflake. 

Riding Dobber to the range to brand cows

Riding Big Unicorn with Little Unicorn trotting along beside her

The kids are taking after Peter and love to play with the chickens

We bought the kids backpacks for Nauvoo. They skip around the house singing, "I'm going to Nauvoo..." and they are quite annoyed that I won't let them pack for the trip yet. 

On a sad/funny note, James has had diarrhea recently. The other day he was in the kitchen when he stopped, looked at me wide eyed and yelled, "Mom! Potty! Run!" We made it just in time.

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