Sunday, April 9, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello hello! We are loving having some spring weather around here! We got our peas planted (perhaps a little late), and plan to have tomatoes, peppers, and onions in by the end of the week! We’ve been going on lots of walks and trying to soak up some sun. 

Stetson has found his high pitched voice which really makes me laugh. He has full blown conversations with us and really likes to be included in playing games. This week he found a passion for his ball. He’ll grab it and bring it to his mouth, all while going cross eyed. It’s pretty awesome. He’ll be three months old on Thursday! Time is flying!

Cam is still loving his job. He’s the general manager at the Stretch Zone and loves having control of his own schedule and being able to help the employees. 

Happy Easter! I listened to the Follow Him podcast this week and it was really great. If you have time, I definitely recommend it :) 

Anyway, we love y’all! Come visit soon!

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