Sunday, April 2, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 The news of this week is that Stetson laughed for the first time!! Woohoo!!! It was so cute and we anticipate many more fun giggles. 

We really enjoyed a fairly quiet conference weekend. The talks were absolutely phenomenal and I had so many good takeaways. I loved the call to repentance from President Nielson - to bury our verbal arsenal of insults and criticisms. I also enjoyed Elder Braggs talk about Poise, and thought it was a very interesting choice of a conference talk topic. I wondered how many people stopped watching conference when it was announced that Elder Holland would not be speaking… And because it’s so pertinent right now, I loved Elder Uchtdorfs talk about loving our children. Such a great conference!! 

We love you all and can’t wait for our trip to Nauvoo! If anyone wants to come visit before or after that, you know where to find us!! ;)

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