Sunday, April 30, 2023

Flake Fun

Where did April go?  

We enjoyed a trip up north to visit a bit which was fun.  I did the solo driving thing and it actually went really well. 

The big project has been the chicken coop.  With terribly windy weekends (50+mph) it took longer than anticipated but we put the shingles on yesterday so they are cooped.  Now we just need to finish the feeders and waterer  and we'll be done.

Aunt Karen kindly gave us some lilac starts so we planted 6 in the front yard as a future privacy hedge.  Fingers crossed. 

Scott tilled the garden spot yesterday so I am hoping to get a good chunk of of garden in this soon as everyone stops throwing up! 

Funny musings of the week- 

"Mom, I think Aunt Elise will have to move because Jack is getting so big...too big for their house!" -Rand

"Mom, did you know that the pretend Aunt Elise and the real Aunt Elise are the same size?"- Robin

Hope that you all have a great week! 

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