Sunday, April 9, 2023

Hart Happenings

Happy Easter everyone!

  Can I just say that I loved the special format of the Easter service at church today?  It was lovely to experience the same emphasis on Christ that we feel at Christmas time.  We heard lots of wonderful music interspersed with scriptures about Jesus.  We spent the afternoon at Ruth's house for our annual Easter egg hunt.  While the dads hid the eggs Ruth and the kids and I made resurrection rolls.  Ian was worried that the tomb wasn't going to be empty when we broke the rolls open but...... (see photos).  It was glorious weather so the adults wandered around outside while the kids searched for eggs.  We dashed home because Alex's family was all coming over for dinner and we also ended up outside visiting while the kids played in the grass that has yet to come alive.  It was very great.

  This week has been a typical one, full of rehearsals and work for Ian, soccer and spikeball for Jack, and playdates and parkour for Peter.  The mornings are taken up with study time and music practice and then we also enjoy our homeschool co-op once a week, and group study with Ruth and co. on Tuesdays

  Alex is working on taking out a pine tree for me that is shading the garden along with training a new cleaning gal for the Airbnbs and revamping our housekeeping system.  He had a great run at the spikeball tournament this weekend and placed first in his division! Woo-hoo!  Go 40 yr. old!

  I keep starting seeds inside in hopes that I will be able to get them out in the garden soon.  Meanwhile, I got the whole orchard pruned, the blackberries cut back to manageable size (thanks to Jack's help), and dealt with half of the rose bushes.  I just have tomatoes to start tomorrow and then we should be all caught up on the seeds.

Here are some highlights from the week:


                      Ready to go find the eggs.

         The baby chicks arrived. Peter is in heaven. 

                     Pruning in the snow and sun. 

                      The Easter trading begins. 

                       Ian’s rehearsal for Joseph. 

Ian’s friend Mason came to visit from Washington for Spring Break. 

                            Resurrection rolls!

Alex and Jack got invited to a Jazz/Lakers game and they got to sit in one of the boxes with catered dinner and dessert service. They thought they had died and gone to heaven. The Lakers won, for those who care. 


                       More Easter egg trading.   


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