Sunday, January 8, 2023

Smithfield Scoop

A definite New Year's Resolution - Be on the family blog more regularly this year!! When I searched to see the last time I wrote, it was waaaaay too long ago - Clear back in May 2022. I'm not even sure how that happened, but it's time for repentance, change, refocusing my efforts! So, here we go... 

It was so fun to see everyone today on Family Matters! It's delightful to see all of you supporting each other and encouraging one another. It's especially sweet to see the cousins connecting with each other and happy to see one another. Thank you all for making the effort to be there. 

We sure enjoyed seeing nearly everyone over the holidays. It was fun to have the Flake family here for a whole week at Christmas time! We had fun going to Hardware Ranch to ride a sleigh out to see the elk - as well as a stray sheep who wandered in, build a snowman, see the Christmas lights and sled down the hill that Grandpa made in the back yard! Harts and Joe's family came between Christmas and New Year's to play games and sing and reconnect. Everyone loved reading the Manning book that Lauren and Nick gave us. It was great! We also had fun taking care of the Manning boys when Lauren and the little men came to get some help while she's been so sick with morning sickness. 

Even though it happens every year, right on time, the Christmas Cactus 
always surprises and amazes me. It is a beautiful thing!

It's been snowy, cold and quiet here since everyone left after the holidays. We've been sad about Chet's accident and surgery on his broken arm and Lauren's incapacitating sickness. We are praying that both of them will feel better and be back to their normal happy, active selves before too long. We have been praying for the Nilssons, and particularly Ruth, to get better. Hopefully, the antibiotic will help you feel better very soon, Ruthie!

Of course we are excited for Emma and Cameron to welcome Baby Hyde to their home soon! Someone will win the prize for guessing the right date, time and weight of baby boy!

Gold Medal - for correct due date! 
Silver Medal - for correct time! 
Bronze Medal - for correct weight!

Alex - 1/13,  6:35pm, 8#6oz
Elise - 1/11, 7#2oz
Ian - 1/10, 3:25pm, 10#8oz
Jack - 1/17, 3:00am, 7#8oz
Peter - 1/9, 5:10pm, 6#

Thomas: 1/12, 6#8oz, Name: Seekin' (CKN)

Joe's Family: 1/15, 5#9oz

Scott - 1/21, 3:01pm, 8#13oz
Jenn - 1/12, 1:35am, 6#9oz, 22"
Rosie - little girl born 1/2 hour after baby boy

Garrett - 1/12, 6#12oz, 
Ruth - 1/11, 8:30pm, 6#10oz
Addy - this week!

Dad - 1/11, in the night or most inconvenient time, 6#1oz
Mom - 1/14, 5:15am, 6#12oz, 20"

Cam - 1/12, 3:40am, 7#4oz
Emma- 1/10, 7#6oz


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